Aquaculture in Motion 2013

FEAP is proud to announce the 2nd edition of 'Aquaculture in Motion', this year focussing on the ‘Strategic Guidelines for the Sustainable Development of European Aquaculture' that were published by the European Commission in April 2013. These Guidelines aim to assist the EU Member States to define national targets while taking account of their circumstances, institutional arrangements and relative positions in terms of aquaculture activities. While the aims to promote aquaculture are intended to be achieved through a voluntary open process of coordination, it is also proposed, where appropriate, that common objectives be identified, alongside measurable indicators for progress.

In providing a focus on the need for quantified targets and relevant indicators, Aquaculture in Motion intends to stimulate the identification of Best Practice for the key performance indicators that need to be agreed as measures of progress and development.
Moving European aquaculture forward with successful sustainable strategies is the target of this year's Aquaculture in Motion.


08:00 Press conference & Registration for all participants
EC Strategic Guidelines for the Sustainable Development of European Aquaculture

09:00 09:20 Welcome & FEAP response to the EC strategic Guidelines Mr. Arnault Chaperon
FEAP President

09:20 Case studies for 2014-2020
Presentations on National planning progress
10 minute discussion to follow each presentation

09:30 09:50 France
10:00 10:20 Hungary
10:30 10:50 United Kingdom

11:00 11:30 Coffee Break

Structuring for Implementation
10 minute discussion following each presentation
11:30 11:45 Indicators for the Level Playing Field
11:55 12:05 Aquaculture Advisory Council Mr. Courtney Hough
12:15 12:25 Research for Aquaculture Mr. Gustavo Larrazábal

Conclusions & Recommendations
12:30 12:40 Best Practice on Key Performance Indicators Mr. Richie Flynn
12:45 13:00 ‘Moving European Aquaculture Forward'

Discussion chaired by Mr. Arnault Chaperon
13:00 14:30 Conclusions and an ‘Aquacultured' Lunch

Miércoles, 6 Noviembre, 2013
Hotel Le Méridien Bruselas (Bélgica)
+32 (0)4 3382995