This workshop addresses the future of Mediterranean aquaculture and is targeted at fish farmers and aquaculture associations, government representatives, research institutions, research funding agencies and other stakeholders in the sector. Over 1.5 days, it will be organised into several sessions, with a strong emphasis on discussion and consensus building.
Sharing the vision
Within the general policy framework "Europe 2020, the Innovation Union", this opening session will explain the background on Aquainnova and how the workshop will function - the idea being to provide a broad picture of European policies and the current position of European aquaculture within these. The overall EATIP Vision for European aquaculture developed within Aquainnova will form the basis for discussion on how to fit mediterranean aquaculture within these desires.
Consumer and producer issues
This session will give the introduction to the key issues considered by the individual EATIP Thematic Area documents - with specific considerations directed towards coldwater marine aquaculture. Consumer issues cover needs, regional preference(s), products, certification and standards. Producer issues are varied and cover a range of mainly technical topics, including systems, disease control, predators and other environmental issues. The discussion here will focus on the key issues, the legislative constraints and other influencing factors.
Socio-economic and knowledge issues
This session will focus on the ‘horizontal' conditions of development affecting Mediterranean aquaculture, with a view to how businesses will operate in the future and how knowledge management, transfer of research, training and networking will develop.
Identifying strategic research priorities
The key points of the EATIP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda relative to Mediterranean aquaculture will be the basis for discussion and debate to prioritise key issues identified by theme. This will be the main session where stakeholders will work in small thematic groups and define the ranking of research needs. Participants will be able to move from one group to another and representatives of each EATIP Thematic Area will provide background, where required. The outcomes of these discussions will be presented in the last sessions on day 2.
Supporting tools
Each research priority has a number of supporting tools that are available to enact it. Discussion on the type of projects, the makeup of potential consortia (e.g. academic research, joint research actions with industry...), current and future funding schemes at EU, national and regional level and the assurance that the results get to the sector will be the key components of this session.
The workshop will conclude with presentations of the key issues from the debates of day 1, followed by the priority listings that need resolution from research and innovation. These will be divided into the appropriate means of action and the associate funding tool(s) and hence provide a roadmap for the development of the sector.