Participants who undertake the 5 days course will get a solid overall understanding of basic and applied aspects of both micro-and macroalgae (seaweeds) culture methods and uses, increasing their understanding of their outstanding biotechnological potential. The course programme will address different aspects related to the biology of cultivated algae, cultivation approaches, novel techniques, and biotechnology as well as practical case studies. This scientific and technical course will be organized around specific modules focusing on:
- Best practices for microalgae and seaweeds culture
- Knowledge about intensive and extensive culture system
- Monitoring and culture techniques
- Algae identification
- Algae as renewable and added value product
Para más información puede consultar: http://www.ecoaqua.ulpgc.es/Summer2016
Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canarias
Centro Internacional de Altos Estudios Agronómicos Mediterráneos (CIHEAM)
Instituto Agronómico Mediterráneo de Zaragoza (IAMZ)