Enrichments and micro diets preparation for emerging marine species in aquaculture (NUTRILARVI)

Successful enrichment of live prey and correct formulation of first feeding diets are some of the most critical steps for massive and predictable supply of healthy and high quality juvenile for aquaculture marine species. Usually the development of larval rearing protocols for new species is limited to the used of commercial products or light modification over them. The design and development of new products such as enrichments or microdiets for commercial or experimental porpoise should consider a broad range of aspects including target species, knowledge of nutritional requirements, type of prey to be enriched, sources of nutrients and manufacturing. The aim of the training school is to widening the knowledge of different expertise trainers on aquaculture nutrition for enrichments or microdiets formulation, providing practical demonstrations with self made enrichments and micro diets for emerging species such as seriola, octopus or tuna.

De Miércoles, 2 Noviembre, 2011 hasta Viernes, 4 Noviembre, 2011
35200 Telde, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain

Grupo de Investigación en Acuicultura: Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas & Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,


The training school will be organized as follows: The duration of the training school will be 3 days . Program includes 6 lectures of 1-1.5 hours from expert trainers and 3 half-day demonstrations in the lab. For the demonstrations, participants will be divided in 3 groups. The selection of up to 20 participants will be done by the organizing committee. Each speaker will provide a copy of his/her slides and/or a text corresponding to his/her contribution. The official language of the training school will be English. Participation is open to 9 no larvanet members ( students or commercials) at their own expenses (see TS web side for aditional info).