The Future of European Aquaculture

On behalf of the Chairman, Mr. Gustavo Larrazábal, and the Board of Directors of the EATiP, we are pleased to invite you to a special presentation event “The Future of European Aquaculture”.

This event will focus on presenting the Vision of the European Aquaculture Technology & Innovation Platform, which has been developed through the widest consultation ever made on European aquaculture. This consultation effort, which was supported by the European FP7 project ‘Aquainnova’, has led to the development and identification of forecasts and needs of the sector in 2030.
These are summarised in the ‘Vision and Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda’ that has been prepared by the EATiP, which will be presented in detail for discussion.
The presentation event will explain the ‘why’s and ‘how’s  of these developments, the implications for the European professional and research sectors and the need to integrate these issues with different policies and strategies at the National and European levels.
Experts from the aquaculture profession, research and development, the European Commission and other stakeholder interests will be present to debate and answer the key questions raised by results of these actions.


Chair: Timothy Hall, European Commission 

14:00 Registration & Welcome coffee 
14:30 Welcome Timothy Hall, European Commission
14:40 Introducing EATiP Presentation
14:50 The Vision of EATiP  
15:00 How the Vision was developed Presentation
15:10 Putting aquaculture into context Torgeir Edvardsen, EATiP Board  
15:20 Mediterranean fish farming Lara Barazi, Kefalonia Fisheries (GR) Coldwater marine fish farming Peter Arnesen, Marine Harvest (NO)  Shellfish aquaculture Bruno Guillaumie, EMPA (FR) Freshwater fish farming  (HU) 

16.00 Summary 
Followed by a Coffee Break

16:30 EU RTDi in aquaculture  Alistair Lane, EAS Director
16:45 The Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda Courtney Hough, EATiP General Secretary
17:00 How do we get there  David Murphy, AquaTT Manager
17:15 First reactions from industry  Arnault Chaperon, FEAP President
17:25 Discussion with EATiP representatives   
18:00 Conclusions 
18:15 Visit of the Dinosaurs Gallery 
19:15 Walking Dinner

Martes, 30 Octubre, 2012
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (Brussels)

+32 4 3379846