Green Week: webinar on funding and investing in sustainable blue projects

This webinar which will take place on June 2, will cover the major ways to fund projects in blue economy and show how project promoters can combine different funding sources (EFSI, EMFF, H2020 etc).
Experts will be on call to answer questions on:

  • European Investment Plan for Europe (EFSI)
  • European Structural Investment Funds and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund
  • Horizon 2020 SME Instrument
  • Funding for marine research and innovation

Languages: all presentations will be in English but during the Q&A session you can also send in your questions in French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Greek and Bulgarian.

Web stream:
Send your questions:
By e-mail to
On Twitter to @EU_MARE using the hashtag #EUGreenWeek

Web stream

Jueves, 2 Junio, 2016