II UCA International Summer School: Aquaculture in Southern Europe: Basic and Applied Aspects

Aquaculture in Southern Europe: Basic and Applied Aspects

Aquaculture is practiced in all types of existing aquatic environments, from marsh ponds and estatuaries to rivers, lakes and the sea. In the Southwest of Spain, aquaculture activity is mainly located in natural earthen ponds, using the existing "salinas" after a necessary adaptation for fish production. As occurs with the marine environment, it is necessary to have a thorough knowledge of the land-based ecosystems in which the aquaculture production process is to be developed. In addition, it is essential to know the physiological characteristics of the cultured species under these environments in order to promote a responsible and sustainable aquaculture activity. The present course will cover different aspects of the aquaculture activity in marsh ponds, focusing on the differential characteristics in these environments, the ecological impacts, and the physiological and welfare issues of the cultured species (nutrition, osmoregulation, etc).


Monday 6 July

9h - 9h 30 Welcome to students.

9h 30 - 11h 30 Aquaculture production in marsh ponds. Speaker: Manuel Yufera (CSIC).

11h 30 - 12h Coffee Break.

12h - 14h Balancing aquaculture production in marsh ponds and ecosystem conservation. Speaker: José Pedro Cañavate (IFAPA "El Toruño").

Tuesday 7 July

9h 30 - 11h 30 Feed composition and feeding in fish aquaculture: a northern/southern perspective in the EU. Speaker: Francisco Javier Moyano (University of Almeria).

11h 30 - 12h Coffee Break.

12h - 14h It is possible to live in marsh ponds?: A physiological approach. Speaker: Juan Miguel Mancera (University of Cadiz).

Wednesday 8 July

9h 30 - 11h 30 Laboratory of Aquaculture: Basic physiological techniques applied to aquaculture (I). Speakers: Juan Antonio Martos-Sitcha (CSIC) and Ignacio Ruiz-Jarabo de la Rocha (University of Algarve).

11h 30 - 12h Coffee break.

12h - 13h Laboratory of Aquaculture: Basic physiological techniques applied to aquaculture (II). Speakers: Juan Antonio Martos-Sitcha (CSIC) and Ignacio Ruiz-Jarabo de la Rocha (University of Algarve).

Thursday 9 July

9h 30 - 11h 30 Ins and outs of ions, hormone, aquaculture and the ocean. Speaker: Juan Fuentes (University of Algarve).

11h 30 - 12h Coffee break.

12h - 14h Balancing welfare and production in fish aquaculture (I). Speaker: Gert Flik (Radboud University Nijmegen).

Friday 10 July

9h 30 - 11h 30 Balancing welfare and production in fish aquaculture (II). Speaker: Gert Flik (Radboud University Nijmegen).

11h 30 - 12h Coffee break.

12h - 14h Special activity: Visit and "Despesque" in a traditional saltmarsh of the Natural Park Bahia of Cadiz.

De Lunes, 6 Julio, 2015 hasta Viernes, 10 Julio, 2015
Universidad de Cádiz


+34 956 01 56 82

Coordinator of the course: Dr. Juan Miguel Mancera (juanmiguel.mancera@uca.es) .

Deadline for registration 30 June 2015.

Registration: Students interested in taking part in the course must register via the website and pay the course fee (200 € excluding accommodation; 450 € including accommodation) before 30 June 2015. The fee covers a hand-out, admission to the sessions and the activities and meals included in the final programme.

Official language: English