Physiomar12 is planned as a forum for the communication of recent advances in all aspects of the physiology of marine molluscs and will focus mainly on Reproduction, Growth and Bioenergetics, Nutrition, Biomolecules and Biomaterials, and Genetics, genomics and proteomics. The 2012 conference will also include two specific sessions on Inmune reponse and Response to environmental changes and toxicity.
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (IIM_CSIC), Centro de Investigaciones Marinas (CIMA, consellería do Medio Rural e do Mar, Xunta de Galicia)
This conference follows a very successful workshop held in La Paz (Mexico) in November 2006 under the guidance of Maria Concepcion Lora Vilchis and Elena Palacios Metchenov from CIBNOR, and two more meetings: Physiomar 08 organized by IUEM (European Institute for Marine Studies) and Ifremer (French Institute for the Research and Exploitation of the Sea) in Brest (France) and Physiomar 10 held in Québec (Canada) and organized by ISMER-UQAR (Institut des Sciences de la Mer de Rimouski, Université du Québec) and MAPAQ (Agriculture, Pêcheries et Alimentation de Québec) and DFO (Fisheries and Oceans, Government of Canada).