Seminario: economía de la pesca y la acuicultura

Advanced Lessons in Fisheries and Aquaculture Economics A tribute to Prof. M.C. Nandeesha (1957-2012)

Economics and management sciences are of increasing importance in fisheries and aquaculture to understand the uncertain environments in production and Marketing. Changes in management systems, public policies and consumer preferences evidence the need of a continuous adaptation to the economic and social environment in which the activities take place. Aquaculture, meanwhile, is a relatively new harvest method complementing and replacing wild fisheries in the global seafood supply. It has become a sustainable alternative, despite of conflicts, to meet with the increasing World seafood demand.

The seminar intends to provide information on recent progress in the field of fisheries and aquaculture economics and set a framework for understand and assess the changes and developments of producers, consumers, and markets. The sessions will provide a discussion and exchange forum for major stakeholders involved in the value chain of fisheries and aquaculture, and a place to share and analyze the latest developments in the areas fisheries management, policies and marketing.

The course is oriented for participants with university degree or an equivalent professional experience, researchers, policy makers, industry players, consultants, students, advisors, and other specialists involved in the social topics of fisheries and aquaculture.

Precio: 123 €

De Lunes, 22 Julio, 2013 hasta Viernes, 26 Julio, 2013
Palacio de la Magdalena (Santander)

Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo


José Manuel Fernández Polanco
University of Cantabria (SPAIN)

James Alexander Young
University of Stirling (Scotland, UK)

Ladislao Luna Sotorrío
Profesor de Organización de Empresas Director del Grupo de Investigación de Acuicultura Universidad de Cantabria


Ignacio Llorente García
University of Cantabria (SPAIN)

Patrocinan: Fundación Alfonso Martín Escudero y FAO

Tel. 91 592 06 00